West Java Education Rules for the New Normal Era : Lorongku
West Java Education Rules for the New Normal Era : Lorongku

West Java Education Rules for the New Normal Era : Lorongku

West Java Education Rules for the New Normal Era

Currently, there are problems globally due to the spread of a dangerous virus that has caused the education calendar system in Western Java to change slightly. This is because after the government has banned residents from leaving the home to not be affected by the virus, the need to continue educational activities during this period of the epidemic is still considered dangerous.

Thus, the change in the teaching process is defined by the Office of Education, and this applies to all educational institutions and educational institutions in Indonesia. From what was previously face to face, now students and teachers must start learning online using application to continue learning despite forcing both sides to be able to use tools.

Of course, this was initially welcomed by parents because learning can continue during this difficult time. For Java and its surroundings, local governments  must abide by the rules set forth by the Office of Education. With this decision, it is true that the educational schedule of Java West Java has also undergone changes.

If you find it deeper, it is much more fulfilled than the changes in the rules, because the tasks provided make it more people more people and it is difficult to find educational materials based on how the curriculum sets out. Students can only access subjects but even then it lasts a short time without a clear explanation because online activities cannot always be useful in teaching delivery.

Office of Education and Government Strive for Education Support

Because online activities are considered difficult to do, Government Governor and Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil and several special staff have finally tried to provide several relief programs to support the education process. But you are taking it easy as the program does not affect the learning schedule in Western Java so that the learning activities can continue as they should be done.

Aid programs to support education in the West Java region include Monthly Student Strengths (IBPD), One-Stop Integrated Schools, West Java Masagi, Poorly Financed Families (KETM), Universal Higher Education Assistance (BPMU) as well as Professional High School Revitalization and several scholarships from the West Java Education Office.

Of course, this is good news because government functions want to support learning activities during a viral infection. But unfortunately the program is only valid for the study calendar period in West Java during the 2020  /2021 period of the first semester so that the program could finish in December 2020 yesterday.

But you are making it easier even though there is no fund for any aid in 2021, you are still getting assistance from the government, especially the West Java Regional Government which is trying to reduce the fees charged for school fees. In addition, the government is also running KIP and Dana Bos programs to support the current new era of education.

Capturing Java-related Learning Activities in Java West Learning

Currently, educational activities in all institutions and educational subjects are still using online methods that the educational activities should still take over. Although many parents are not happy with it, but of course this is one of the concerns the state has for their people to be safe and not to avoid epidemics.

In addition, after academic activities began to use online methods, now many students have survived the infective viral attack. Since the start of the second semester of the West Java learning calendar in Java in Java on January 11, 2021 yesterday, many students have begun to adapt to learn learning methods online so that the old problems can be solved a little.

Later, students continue to use this method of study until it is fully secured and it is confirmed that there is no risk that there is a risk of infection when they begin to meet face to face. However, the Office of Education is still trying to change the curriculum to be more appropriate for online learning methods that were previously inappropriate because they used to be face to face.

So far, a variety of new jobs have begun to be done, including making exercise videos or activities for students to move more actively despite using online learning methods. In time, the second semester of the West Java education calendar will be completed on June 25, 2021 with the process of distributing report cards as the previous simster.

Government Requests All Sides to Cooperate to Learn

With the current new mainstream era, educational activities have become directly directed and focused on creating more learning pleasure for everyone involved. Be it parents, teachers and students, the Office of Education and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud) continue to strive to provide the best for their younger generation.

Even over time, the online learning system began to be accepted in all social circles. From kindergarten to higher education lecture activities, hotline systems have been used as the most effective learning method to protect everyone’s health, whether threatened by an invasive virus or other problems.

In addition, there are currently several green zones in West Java which allow students to go to school. But it remains to be remembered that all must follow the applicable procedures so that some problems do not occur. The education calendar in West Java will in turn take a few steps as the local government comes after them to adapt to the situation.

Green zone in a sense that it is one of the areas where low-grade virus spreads to make the community safer for a while. However, the West Java regional government is still strongly urging the citizens to follow the relevant rules. If not, then there is a penalty for not following the applicable requirement.

Using Online Learning Activities for Teachers and Students

As we know, online learning is the most effective way right now to avoid infection-infected viral diseases. In addition to the usual teaching activities that follow the western Java academic calendar, teachers are also obliged to adapt to the new material curriculum from the Education Office so that when teaching they are more quick when teaching they are more stable when teaching.

As this is new to most people in Indonesia, of course, the early days will be very difficult to adapt due to inexperience in some areas. Rather over time, the West Java regional government believes that all employees and working power will be able to get through this difficult time together.

The West Java education calendar is actually a reference point for teachers and teachers to deliver their best efforts within a predetermined period of time. This will of course always be challenged by the government to adapt to the new education systems and features they face in the new normal era.

You as an educator can continue to give your best efforts to support students to continue to grow in the midst of these terrible conditions. Don’t lose your spirit and keep trying to keep going so you can approach a good day in the future. Education will always be the first priority to address the demands of the younger generation.

The government will also continue to try to provide the best efforts to finance BOS and KIP so that each child can learn with a better education. Not only is it just West Java, but all the provinces in Indonesia have also experienced the same thing and continue to fight. Based on the education calendar in Western Java, we can continue to move forward to advance the successes of the younger generation.

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