Enter ticket details at the listing : Kitaswara
Enter ticket details at the listing : Kitaswara

Enter ticket details at the listing : Kitaswara

Contact Kai Call Center for Practical Refund

A travel ticket is purchased by train but intends to cancel because  of some businesses?  Using the rail transport option is the best choice right now because of the convenience provided.

In addition to the relatively easy advertising system, customers are now also given benefits with a refund option if they don’t travel. with these benefits, customers do not suffer from deprivation due to the barriers that occur when they want to travel by train.

Are you curious about how to effectively refund the tickets you had previously booked? There are a number of ways that users can try to get directly, and  it’s a good idea to follow these steps before contacting Kai’s call center for refunds.

Ordering Through Privileges

Not only for cancellation but also this official KAI Application can be used to practically book travel tickets. Check the steps to book a ticket using the branch contact below, without the need for an extended period of reckoning via the station counter.

  1. First, you need to register first. Select an “account” list for the process.
  2. Then select a “home” list and set the type of train you would like to use.
  3. The next step is to determine the hometown and destination city for the trip.
  4. Books are also required to include a departure date. The program provides a choice of round-trip tickets to make it easier for customers Have you been upset? Contact the Kai Call Center to refund more information.
  5. In the next phase, passengers less than three years old must be filled with the number of passengers classified as infant-type passengers (a maximum of 4 people).
  6. Decide when to leave and the fare you pay for and the train you want to use in full.
  7. Then the bookmaster needs to fill in their personal information.
  8. The bookmaker then fills the seat number as well as the cart as desired, making sure that the seat you have learned is still empty and that no one else is booked.
  9. The final step is to pay the ticket: There are many payment options such as using the payment scoring system through the LinkAja application or transferring using ATM, E-Bank, or M-Banking.
  10. If you find a problem, you can immediately contact Kai’s call center  for refunds or ask only about the purchase procedure.

Canceling the ticket using KAI access

For customers who wish to cancel their tickets, they can easily use the formal application from KAI. the steps are:

  1. Sign on the KAI Access app

In the first step, the application needs to be logged in first. If the user has not installed the application, the user can download it on Google Play or the App Store.

  1. Go to the cancellation list

After opening the application, the next step is to select a “cancellation” list. The list will show the tickets you previously booked and then proceed by selecting which ones to cancel.

  1. Enter ticket details at the listing

Before deciding to  contact Kai’s call centre for refunds, it would be better for you to try the following method. After accessing the cancellation list, “ticket details Continue by selecting the “page” list. Passenger information exhibition will be presented there, and then select the name you want to delete with bank account information.

  1. Confirmation of cancellation

Once the passenger is determined and the bank account is selected, the refund process can continue by approving cancellation. “ticket to continue this process Simply click on the “cancellation” option, but first you need to make sure that all the information is properly filled out before the above process is concluded.

  1. Check historical details

You need to check the cancellation history in detail before you leave the application. To verify the cancellation history, you only need to select the “Historical Details” list and check the details on the available page.

  Cancelling the ticket manually

In addition to the above methods, it is also good for customers to know steps to cancel tickets purchased through a manual mechanism An idea: There’s  nothing wrong with trying the following instructions, before deciding to  contact Kai’s call center for refunds.

  1. Going to the train station

Since this mechanism is a manual, the ticket holder must go to the nearest railway station. Photographic companies, such as identity, identity, identity, and identity, will present a number of conditions before refunds.

  1. Complete passenger information

After visiting the nearest station, the bookkeeper can meet with the customer service department, after which the CS will provide a form that the party submitted later needs to fill in.

The program itself is also performed at a special cancellation counter.The party referred to according to the form containing two copies, namely ticket information and passenger data The information also needs to be completed. Is it difficult for the mechanisms offered? If more information is needed, contact the Kai Call Center to refund it.

  1. Visit the counter for funding

The next step is to apply for a refund at the already obtained counter. The two payment options will be provided: the search time for both options is 30×24 hours from cancellation.

  1. Get funds

The next step is to obtain the nominal amount under the certificate that was cancelled earlier, but before visiting the counter, be sure to bring in the form provided previously from the counter officer under the previous process.

You need to know that the nominal amount given by KAI does not actually reach 100 percent. If you want to know why this happened, please contact Kai’s call center to refund it and get information related to it.

Refunds through call centres

By 2020, PT Carrita ApiEndonia (Pacero) had a convenience on consumer pre-arranged tickets, and now this process is less than three days away, but they urged that customers should use the online system for such submissions.

Additionally, applicants must update their KAI Access application. The process of updating the program is on the Play Store or App Store. You can make it possible to get the latest version of the latest application by downloading. You can get  more complete information  by contacting the Kai call center for refunds.

The next step is through the method of personal registration in accordance with the information provided in prior certificate advertising information, above The customer then joins the cancellation list and fills out the account number for the transfer of funds.

Most people are now interested in using PT Kerita Api Indonesia’s services. For those in need of further explanation, contact 021-121 or cs@kai.id  .

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